
Meet Sylvia

Pet Rock Sylvia loves cold weather, sleeping in shoes and everything black. But sometimes she gets in moods and loves to wear all things pink. She looks cute in pink hairbows.


Meet Ken!

Hey everyone! My name is Ken! My birthday is Feb. 28th!!! I love defensterating (it's a secret what that is) and I am 51 years old. I love birthday parties and chipmunks! I am happy that I don't have crossed eyes. I also like candles, just don't let them burn my tail.

Meet Tommy Gadget

"Hello! My name is Tommy Gadget. I like blogs and silly hats. Nice to meet you!"

Tommy Gadget will be super happy if you put a silly hat on him and let him look at himself in the mirror. He really likes that. He also does well in cold weather. He gets along fine with all the other pet rocks. While he's not looking at himself in the mirror or sleeping on a pillow with his fellow pet rocks he likes to blog.

Good Bye Jay-A New Home For Jay

Pet Rock Jay has found a new home. On Christmas Day he went to live with his new family. I hope his new family takes good care of him. Pet rocks are super easy to take care of, they don't need to be fed, they don't make noises or messes, so it shouldn't be a problem. Hope you are super happy in your new home Jay!


Good Night Pet Rocks and Sweet Dreams

It's night night time for these Pet Rocks. They are sleepy and need their beauty sleep. Hope these pet rocks have good dreams. What do pet rocks dream about anyway? They aren't saying.


Meet Jay

This is the lastest pet rock Jay. If you keep an eye on him, he will stay out of trouble. He has a mischevious streak, but usually he is no problem at all. IF he's ever naughty, just put him in the basement. But usually he's a good rock.

Meet Our New Pet Rock Kevin

Meet Kevin. He was raised by hamsters so he is very fond of them. Put him in a cage full of hamsters and he'll be so happy. In fact, he has never met a hamster he didn't like. He can only go to a home which already has hamsters because without hamsters, Kevin goes into hamster withdrawal and gets sad. Kevin is probably the strangest pet rock we have.